Chain slings are meant to be durable, reliable, and perform rigorous tasks. However, just because chain slings typically share those characteristics does not mean they are all identical. The model, material, and grade of a chain sling indicate its performance capability. At Kennedy Wire Rope and Sling Company (KWRS), our experienced team of professionals understands the options and the most suitable material and grade of chain slings for various applications.

Chain Grades

In the past few years, the American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have concerned themselves with preparing and publishing certain safety standards concerning chain slings. One such safety measure is a grading system. A number indicates the breaking strength, therefore providing some indication of load capacity.

The most common grades available today – in newtons per millimeter squared (N/mm2), are

  • G30 and G43: not for lifting
  • G70: best for tie-downs
  • G80: lowest grade for lifting
  • G100 and upwards: lifting

Essentially, the larger the number, the stronger the chain sling.

Working Load Limit (WLL)

Another important aspect governing the safe use of chain slings is the working load limit (WLL). This helps to identify what types of chain are suitable and tough enough for overhead lifting. An expression of the capability to move the load, it does not necessarily match the actual load’s weight. The WLL provides operators with the maximum load the chain slings must ever carry… preferably in a straight-line pull and never with a side loading.